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Why DFL?
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Membership Responsibilities
& Expectations
Membership FAQ
Joining Delta Phi Lambda® is an incredibly rewarding and lasting experience that will be a defining part of your college life and after graduation endeavors. Joining this Sisterhood is a partnership, and while the Sorority will give members access to leadership opportunities and growth resources, members will be asked to give back and support the Sorority as a whole.
Jump to a section: Member Expectations, Financial Responsibilities, Academic Responsibilities, Risk Management Responsibilities

Sisters are expected to be contributing members upon initiation, whether participating in committees, holding an officer position, or providing input in chapter operations. A chapter requires participation from all members to maintain good standing within the sorority.
Other expectations include:
Each member cannot hold membership to any other social Greek organization. Professional and academic organizations are acceptable.
Each member must abide by the national policies, procedures, and bylaws.
Each member must uphold the Sister Code of Conduct.
Each member must attend weekly general chapter meetings.
Each member must attend the required recruitment events.
Each member is recommended to attend the annual convention.
Other expectations may be required by each individual chapter.​
Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is a 501(c)(7) corporation, which is a special type of IRS exemption granting nonprofit status. Being a nonprofit organization means we must rely on membership dues to finance the national organization and chapter services.
Collegiate member dues vary annually based on need but are roughly between $200-300 and due at the beginning of each academic semester. This amount is a combination of national and chapter dues that are used to fund chapter operations, social events, and programming as well as allows the national organization to provide resources and support for the chapter.
Failure to fulfill your member financial obligations shall result in a judicial review, which could lead to expulsion from the sorority. We understand paying for college is a huge expense, which is why we offer a variety of opportunities to help pay for these expenses. We offer volunteer opportunities at a chapter level and the ability to apply for scholarship and grants through the Delta Phi Lambda Foundation each year.
Please note other financial obligations to join an established chapter or charter a new chapter are separate expenses.​

As academic excellence is the primary purpose for collegiate experience, we strive to provide resources to sisters to motivate and assist in developing your fullest academic potential.​ Members need to maintain a 2.7 GPA to stay in good standing with the sorority.
We have a number of policies designed to reduce the potential for harm to our members and to address situations where issues could occur. We understand that our sisters have many opportunities for social development during their collegiate experience and that some of those experiences could be considered risky for the members or others.
Risk expectations are as follows:
Each member must follow the sorority risk management policies including information on hazing, social events, and transportation.
Each member must follow university risk management policy and all local, state, and federal laws.
Each member must make informed, reasonable, and responsible choices regarding their personal safety.