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The National Board of Directors (BOD) consists of 8 elected volunteer members of the Sorority. They oversee the Sorority's strategic direction, including governance, overall policy-making, fiscal soundness, and strategic planning. Members of the BOD are elected by voting chapter delegates at the National Convention every year. Learn more about each member of the BOD below.
If you have any questions or concerns for our Board of Directors, please contact

National President​​
Joyce Chua
M Chapter - University at Albany

Vice President
of Programming
​Erica Alexander-Cao
Γ Chapter - Georgia State University

Vice President
of Marketing
Joyce Chua
M Chapter - University at Albany
Vice President
of Finance
Katrina Kim
Γ Chapter - Georgia State University

Vice President
of Alumnae
Zaria St. Lawrence-Madas
E Chapter - University of Central Florida
Vice President
of Collegiate
Mary Le
N Chapter - Iowa State University

Vice President
of Operations
Mariah Sampsel
K Chapter - Loyola University Chicago

Vice President
of Expansion
Jenna Murray
Γ Chapter - Georgia State University

In 2005, Delta Phi Lambda® (DFL) established our first National Board of Directors (BOD). As the sorority has historically been run as a representative democracy, the sisters that have served on the BOD have reflected the values, beliefs, concerns, and aspirations of the membership as a whole.
Each BOD found her own direction through the DFL’s leadership pathways, and each was motivated by her own personal passions, a sense of social and professional responsibility, and a love of our Everlasting Sisterhood® . Together their efforts have been instrumental in creating the culture of the sorority we see today.
For more than two decades, the BOD has shepherded the sorority through both triumphant and trying times. Together, with the National Headquarters Staff, they ensure that present and future generations of sisters can continue to thrive and be trailblazers.
One of the greatest honors is to serve as a member of the BOD, and we honor each of the following members for their countless years of dedicated volunteer hours exemplifying our virtues.
Advice on being a successful Dedicated Female Leader®
WILMA MIRANDA 2015 - 2016
"I gained a plethora of knowledge and experience within my professional career having served on National Board for almost 10 years. However, it's easy to become overwhelmed and burnt out with all the work that needs to be done so be sure to always take some time to breathe and maintain self care."
MAY ADVINCULA 2013 - 2015
“Find ways to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is easy for us to default to things we are good at and to stick with routine to maintain status quo because it’s what we know. However, in order to differentiate ourselves, you sometimes need to rip up the playbook to think differently. Just because something has been done a certain way doesn’t mean that it always has to be done the same exact way.
Some of the best ideas and most memorable lessons often come out of situations that take you out of your comfort zone. As a leader, you will come across situations that will make you uncomfortable. Whether it is a problem to solve, or a conflict to mitigate, any limitations that you think you have are self-imposed. Do not allow self-doubt or fear hold you back from pursuing an outcome or resolution.”
HANNAH SEOH 2007 - 2013
“Joining Delta Phi Lambda, and especially serving on the Board for over 10 years, was one of the best decisions I ever made. I don't think anything else could have prepared me as much for real life. The lessons I learned in true leadership, integrity, compassion, and humility have served me personally and have propelled me in my career. I would encourage all sisters to take advantage of the opportunity to give back to an organization that has given so much to all of us.”
JALEESA REED 2013 - 2021
“I think the key to being a successful Dedicated Female Leader is not to underestimate the discipline and dedication needed to accomplish your goals. Don’t be selective in your loyalty, honesty, respect, or when you prioritize your integrity. Even when difficult experiences challenge you, you can always fall back on your values to help you push through.”
"Embrace your ambition, embrace your voice, and embrace your perspective. Be true to yourself and stay dedicated to the goals you have set for yourself, your Chapter, your community and National Sorority itself. As a leader ask of others only what you would do yourself: Lead by example. Trust your instincts and embrace your strengths and you will surely make a positive impact in your own life and community. As you carve your path to success, always keep your legacy in mind. Leave a mark that transcends time and empowers generations to come."

Dates indicate how long they served within the National Headquarters
Alison Kao, Georgia Institute of Technology (2008-2013)
Alivia Henderson, Purdue University (2020-Present)
Aanisah Chowdhury, Loyola University Chicago (2020-Present)
Amanda Supratanapongse, University of Georgia (2010-2014)
Andrea Newman, University of Georgia (2017-2022)
Ann Nguyen, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2014-2016)
Chaileen Dionisio, University of Central Florida (2007-2008)
Christine Ho, University of Georgia (2007, 2013-2015)
Dina Puthenpurakal, Loyola University Chicago (2017, 2021-2023)
Elizabeth Thai, Georgia Institute of Technology (2011-2015)
Erica Alexander, Georgia State University (2019-Present)
Gyn Wei, Purdue University (2007-2010)
Hannah Hubbard, University of Georgia (2017-2021)
Hannah Seoh, University of Cincinnati (2003-2013**)
Houa Vang, Iowa State University (2018-Present)
Honnie Flores, DePaul University(2005-2006)
Huong Van, University of Central Florida (2005-2006, 2008-2009)
Jaleesa Reed, University of Georgia (2013-2021**)
Janet Lin, University of Georgia (2007-2008)
Jenna Murray, Georgia State University (2020-Present)
Jennifer Albesa, University of West Florida (2010-2016)
Jennifer Kim, University of Georgia (2016-2021)
Jenny Qiao, Emory University (2014-2018)
Jessica Chiu, DePaul University (2005-2006)
Jessica Kouch, University of Georgia (2016-2020)
Joann Podoll, University of Georgia (2016-2020)
** Held National President Position
Joyce Chua, University at Albany (2020-Present**)
Justina Ho, Emory University (2014-2018)
Kaitlyn McCarthy, University of Connecticut (2018-2022)
Kat Ho, Clemson University (2018-2022)
Kathy Beard, University of Central Florida (2005-2006)
Katrina Kim, Georgia State University (2023-Present)
Karen Nguyen, Emory University (2023-Present)
Lauren Soriano, Georgia State University (2005-2006)
Lillie Madali, University of Georgia (2009-2011)
Lillian Van, Georgia Institute of Technology (2010-2014)
Mai Nguyen, University of Central Florida (2014-2018)
Maggie Yang, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018-2022)
Manida Chinratana, University of Georgia (2007-2008)
Maria Iglesia, University of Georgia (2011-2013)
Mariah Sampsel, Loyola University Chicago (2019-Present)
May Advincula, University of Georgia (2012-2015**)
Melissa Olarte, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2019-Present)
Pamela Pedersen, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2015, 2017-2023**)
Rachelle Garcia, DePaul University (2005-2006**)
Ranny Long, University of Georgia (2007-2008)
Stella Kim, University of Georgia (2007-2008, 2013-2016)
Stephanie Soriano, University of Georgia (2005-2006)
Tracy Wang, University at Albany, (2014-2019)
Victoria Huynh, University of Georgia (2007-2008, 2009-2011)
Wilma Miranda, University of Central Florida (2007-2016**)
Zaria St. Lawrence Madas, University of Central Florida (2023-Present)